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  • PK stationery for Lauaren

Pikkewyntjies’s “Fairy Godfather” as Zaan calls him, is the resident of Betty’s Bay who every year pledges a substantial amount of money to Pikkewyntjies and challenges other supporters to match it. So far, each year, with help from supporters in the UK who admire the school, the target has been reached and the school manages to stay in the black for another year.

  • PK new shoes

One of the supporters of Pikkewyntjies Preschool asked our principal, Zaan, to spend some of his donation on school goers who live in Mooi Uitsig. This includes a few newcomers to the village as well as those who graduated from Pikkewyntjies. They all attend local schools in Kleinmond, Hermanus or Grabouw.

  • The Overstrand Dental Hygienist

The Overstrand Dental Hygienist visited Pikkewyntjies recently. Before checking our children’s teeth she chatted to them about looking after their teeth by eating wholesome food. There were groans and giggles when she said that meant not too many sweets and they all nodded their heads when she said she knew sweets were very hard to resist because they taste so good.