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  • The Masketeers

Like Batman, we’re all wearing masks right now– except those of us who simply don’t have the means to procure them.

There are thoughtful people in the world though who have masks themselves but worry about those who don’t. People like this don’t just wring their hands they give their ingenuity and their time to get masks to the maskless.

Di Hunter is one such person and her husband Malcolm, who has also done a lot of thoughtful things to help a lot of people in his life was happy to get stuck in so the Hunter Scarf Factory got under way.  

As usually happens though, when the first batch was delivered, the need for more was even greater and Di and Malcolm needed help.

  • Denise Boltman
  • Fiona Christelis
  • Mary Comrie
  • Jenny Dewy
  • Marina du Plessis
  • Tanya Goodman
  • Shamilla Gool
  • Geoff and Linda Harris
  • Linda Hiles
  • Di Hunter
  • Malcolm Hunter
  • Stephanie Milne
  • Enid Phillips
  • Rix Wellman

Together they made 1 100 masks for Pikkewyntjies and the Mooi Uitsig community and the rest for distribution at Zaan’s discetion.

Especially considering no one on the team got to know anyone else on the team, apart from Malcolm who acted as courier and there were no convivial sewing mornings nor the shared pleasure of seeing the piles of masks grow, it was a particularly dedicated undertaking.

So please imagine us, masketeers, seeing as you can’t see us in person, with a glass of bubbly in hand, singing to you, ‘For they are jolly good fellows… and so say all of us’