Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz Pre-Primary School

Pikkewyntjies is a preschool in Mooi Uitsig in Betty’s Bay. It was founded by Sandy Carruthers in September 2007 to provide Early Childhood Development for children from less fortunate homes in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els.

If you would like to know more about the early history of the school, please email Rosemary at rabfowkes@gmail.com. She will pass on your enquiry to the Principal.

Fourth Term 1 October - 11 December

School Concert 22 November
Debutante Concert
2016-11-28 also the issue of certificates
and the graduation ceremony of the Grade R's leaving
Pikkewyntjies and going to school next year.
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It costs you nothing and you don't have to collect it,
it will be sent to you.
Bring & Buy!! It's for the kids!!
The Second Hand Shop is in the Village Centre in Betty’s Bay along with the hairdresser
and the coffee shops and the post office and several estate agents.
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Transport and food are the biggest items in the budget but each is absolutely necessary.
Every time you swipe the card it puts money in the school's coffers.
The stock is donated and anything in good order is welcome and on sale
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